The WCJ Rebrand

Rebranding Results
in a Substantial Increase
in Email Open Rates
& Website Traffic

Case Study by


The Challenge

The Women’s Center of Jacksonville, the only certified rape crisis center in Duval, Nassau and Baker counties that provides rape recovery services for individuals of all genders, also plays an important local role as a community resource center that improves the lives of women through advocacy, support, education and prevention. It was founded in 1995 and has since grown significantly to now serve more than 7,500 people annually.

In 2020, the Women’s Center identified the need to rebrand to better represent the organization and its work in the community, which had evolved during the past 25 years. To ensure long-term sustainability of the organization, the Center also needed to better engage a younger demographic of women and donors in Northeast Florida.

Before the Rebrand


After the Rebrand


The Solution

Point Taken conducted interviews with a variety of Women’s Center stakeholders, including clients served, staff and board members, and the community at-large, to provide direction for the new brand. From there, Point Taken used the input to develop an entirely new brand identity for the Women’s Center of Jacksonville – now The WCJ – and presented the organization with new color palette, logo, website wireframes and photo options. With final decisions in place, Point Taken completely updated and refreshed the organization’s overall look, logo, website and collateral materials. Along with the rebrand, Point Taken developed new brand and voice guidelines to support a cohesive identity across all platforms.

The Result

Point Taken helped the WCJ launch the new brand internally and externally in early 2021. Internally, staff were engaged through an in-house event with a presentation from the executive director. External stakeholders were presented with the new brand during a virtual Champagne & Chocolates donor recognition event, which included a video produced by Point Taken, immediately followed by the launch of the website. Point Taken also supported the WCJ with additional rollout tactics, including media relations, email distributions and social media content. As a result, email open rates and website traffic increased substantially during the weeks following the rebrand launch, which was positively received by nearly all stakeholders.

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Point Taken Communications, a boutique Jacksonville public relations and marketing firm serving brands nationwide, creates engaging campaigns that ignite positive change and move audiences to action. We go above and beyond, ensuring each client gets the best return on its investment. Our team of senior professionals has decades of experience bringing bold, creative ideas to life to help companies and nonprofits grow and evolve. At Point Taken, our clients inspire us to fuel progress for your organization, your industry and our world.