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How Can My Brand Build the Best and Most Effective Loyalty Program?


How Can My Brand Build the Best and Most Effective Loyalty Program? Loyalty programs are becoming increasingly popular among businesses of all kinds. At Point Taken Communications, we believe they are a powerful tool for not only retaining your most loyal customers but also attracting new ones. While a loyalty program may not suit every […]

When and Why Should an Organization Adjust Its Strategic Plan?


When and Why Should an OrganizationAdjust Its Strategic Plan A strategic plan is essential for any company or nonprofit organization aiming to build and grow. At Point Taken Communications, we constantly review and update our strategic plan and help our clients develop and refine their own. Let’s explore what a strategic plan is and when […]

When Should Companies Invest in a Rebrand?


When Should Companies Invest in a Rebrand? In PR and marketing, the way we do business is constantly evolving. That’s why we always help our clients stay up-to-date with the latest trends in marketing their businesses. While many people may be averse to change, sometimes a rebranding is the best thing a company can do […]

AI & PR: What is AI and Predictive Analytics and How Does it Impact PR? 

AI & PR What is AI and Predictive Analytics and How Does it Impact PR 

AI & PR: What is AI and Predictive Analytics and How Does it Impact PR?  Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the world we live in nowadays. We are hearing and seeing more and more about it, and at Point Taken, we don’t believe it’s going anywhere anytime soon. We want to talk about what AI […]

Innovative PR Tactics that Help Brands Stand out From the Crowd


Innovative PR Tacticts that Help Brands Stand out From the Crowd In today’s competitive landscape, standing out from the crowd is more crucial than ever. With new businesses and nonprofit organizations opening and expanding daily, being unique isn’t just desirable—it’s essential for success. At Point Taken Communications, we understand the challenges of differentiation, which is […]

Understanding Different Types of Videos on Social Media


Understanding Different Types of Video on Social Media Social media platforms are essential for business and nonprofit marketing, helping organizations reach a vast audience quickly. Recently, short-form videos have surged in popularity, with experts advocating for a shift from photos to videos on social media. So, how crucial are videos compared to photos, and what […]