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What is Nonprofit PR?

With nonprofit organizations on the rise and people caring more and more about contributing to them, Point Taken wants to answer, “What is Nonprofit PR?” We will also explain how nonprofit organizations can benefit from public relations.

There are 1.3 million  nonprofits in the U.S. according to the National Council of Nonprofits, and they offer a wonderful way for people to work together to do good things for their communities. Nonprofits are a staple throughout our country, and at Point Taken, we love working with nonprofit organizations to help express their missions and goals to their target audiences.

So why is PR so important for nonprofits? Raising money can be difficult. Wild Apricot says one of the main reasons is poor storytelling. Poor storytelling can lead to low engagement rates which can in turn make it difficult to retain previous clients or donors and find new ones. A PR firm like Point Taken helps nonprofits with story telling:

  • We help promote a nonprofit and their mission through social media and traditional media.
  • Media coverage can engage a broader audience, raise awareness of a nonprofit’s goals and mission to not only find more potential donors, but also volunteers and supporters.
  • A PR firm like Point Taken can help a nonprofit build a marketing, PR and  social media plan that includes when and what to post. This will help ensure the most engagement.

Donor Box says a strategic PR plan can help a nonprofit start and keep meaningful relationships with donors. At Point Taken, we can help a nonprofit organizations set realistic fundraising goals and develop marketing and PR plans to support those goals. We have helped many nonprofits define their target audiences, key messages and tactics to support their public relations and marketing goals. This is crucial when it comes to sending out press releases, pitches, emails, flyers, newsletters or posting on social media. We have former journalists, seasoned PR and marketing professionals ready to assist with media training, media pitching, interview scheduling and development of talking points. Making connections and having attention-catching press releases is crucial when it comes to media pitching and Point Taken has an extremely knowledgeable team when it comes to those skills.

Nonprofit public relations comes down to public image, Chron reminds. Whether a logo on a building or an ad on the radio, if someone is engaged, they are more likely to donate their time and/or money.

Point Taken helps nonprofits develop strategic public relations plans to support your development goals. If you are interested in giving your nonprofit a boost, but aren’t sure where to begin, Point Taken can help you develop a plan. Our team of experts is trained and educated and ready to help you succeed.