Podcast Production Management
From finding the right podcasting equipment, selecting an informative topic, booking relevant guests, recording, editing, publishing and promoting your podcast, podcast production management is a challenge. As experienced broadcasters and communicators, the Point Taken team can produce your podcast from start to finish, so you can begin finding new leads, prospects and customers from your podcasts.
Not all podcast formats are right for every business or nonprofit. Maybe you need a short, but informative podcast. Maybe you need a longer podcast with one or more guests. Perhaps you need a podcast featuring you and your team discussing the hottest trends in your industry.
Additionally, not every podcast directory is the correct solution for every organization. From Apple Podcasts to Google Podcasts, Spotify to Stitcher, and iHeartRadio to Pandora, the list of podcast hosts and podcast producers is endless. Since podcasting is one of the hottest trends in PR and marketing, we suspect the list will grow.
With the ease of recording a video on your smart phone, you can even turn your podcast into a video podcast, expanding your reach.
Not sure how to start producing a podcast that drives lead, prospects and customers? Point Taken is here to help. Contact us today, and we’ll get your podcast up produced and promoted in no time.