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Stop Yelling
and Start Selling

Your small business or nonprofit direct mail piece went out last week. It should have landed in mailboxes a few days ago. Your shiny latest full-page advertisement ran in a local magazine and your online advertising budget is through the roof. You mentioned your upcoming sale every day last week on Facebook, but you still aren’t making any sales. What is going wrong with your small business or nonprofit marketing? You need to stop yelling and start selling. It’s how to make more sales in the modern era.

People are constantly bombarded with advertisements from their television sets, newspapers, magazines and online networks. Dubbed “interruption marketing” this form of contact literally interrupts a person’s activities, encouraging them to listen to the advertisers’ messages. People are tired of this form of communication and turn off or tune out immediately. So how do you get the attention of someone who doesn’t want to listen? You give them content they want to hear.

Content marketing is the practice of creating content pertinent to your prospects, leads and customers. It is the act of developing quality information that attracts people to your brand and encourages them to think of you as a thought leader instead of just another salesperson. Are you a home contractor? Develop a checklist of things buyers need to know before building a new home. Real estate agents could create calendars of events in local communities. Veterinarians could offer information about important immunizations for pets.

Instead of creating more “interruption marketing,” you are establishing yourself as a trusted partner, encouraging your prospects, leads and clients to turn to you when they are in need of your products or services in the future. Still need more information about content marketing and how to make more sales by developing quality content? Contact Point Taken Communications today.

Point Taken Communications, a boutique Jacksonville public relations and marketing firm serving brands nationwide, creates engaging campaigns that ignite positive change and move audiences to action. We go above and beyond, ensuring each client gets the best return on its investment. Our team of senior professionals has decades of experience bringing bold, creative ideas to life to help companies and nonprofits grow and evolve. At Point Taken, our clients inspire us to fuel progress for your organization, your industry and our world.