Five Reasons You Need Customer Relationship Management

As a business owner, marketing executive or nonprofit manager, you have numerous clients, donors and prospects. Some know all about your products and services, others need nurturing and targeted communications explaining why your organization is different and why they should engage you instead of the competition. How do you keep track of all these current clients, current donors, potential donors and other leads? Customer relationship management (CRM) is your answer. Point Taken, a Jacksonville-based marketing and PR firm specializing in nonprofit and business communications explains five reasons you need CRM.

  1. You Need to Keep Track of Pain Points: Different prospects, leads, clients and donors have different reasons they need your products and services. Use a CRM to keep track of their needs and the products or services they are most likely to purchase. You can also employ a CRM to keep track of  the programs a particular prospect is most likely to make a donation.
  2. You Need to Segment Leads: In the modern era, people like personalized solicitations. Use a CRM to keep track of vital data about your prospects, leads, customers and donors and silo them into groups based on different factors. Try segmenting by income level, how likely they are to donate or purchase from you or their interests. You can segment by a wide variety of pieces of data, so experiment to figure out which lists work best for your organization.
  3. You Need to Remember Important Data: Birthdays, anniversaries, prior purchases. You need to keep track of all these data to keep current clients and donors happy and encourage prospects to work with you. CRMs keep all this data for you and make it easy to find.
  4. You Have More Than One Person Selling Services: If you have more than one salesperson, you need to make sure all of your data is in one place. Let’s say one salesperson talks to a lead and finds out that person wants to purchase your products next month. Another salesperson doesn’t know about this communication, and calls the lead the next day. A CRM helps you avoid this problem by allowing multiple salespeople access to the same data.
  5. CRMs Work With Marketing Automation: Many marketing automation systems, such as SharpSpring, offer built-in CRMS or connect to other CRMs like Salesforce. Connecting your CRM and marketing automation systems allows you to send automated emails based on data stored in your CRM, such as emails offering specials on a prospect’s birthday, reminders to renew services based on the date of original purchase or appointment confirmation emails.


Need help finding the right CRM for your business or nonprofit organization? Point Taken can help. Contact us today to find out how a CRM can help your organization grow.

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